Alexander started supporting Orphan Children in 2015, when he was in high school. He could use his little life savings because of being a bright student in class and getting the first position in class he was given scholarship to study for free for two years as long as he maintained the performance . Alexander never used the money that his guardian was giving him in selfish things but instead he used the money to support orphans who never had any chance to attend school. After realizing that their guardians were mistreating by not allowing them to go to school, refusing to give them food and beating them, He requested his grandmother to allow him start staying with them in her temporally house and she accepted. He went ahead and requested their guardians to allow him to start staying with the orphan children and that was in 2015. He was paying for them school fees, providing to them food, shelter and medical care. He started staying with the 27 orphan children in that house with love and passion. In 2016 his friend Marie from Austria funded for him a small poultry project to support his education further. This was the first greatest thing he has ever seen and received in life. He started using the same project to support the orphan children, after realizing how he had seen something he could not ignore. He couldn’t “UN SEE “them as now he knew it firsthand that people like him were suffering badly and he made a choice to give them a chance to make a better life. He started helping them with money, love, support and above all trusting them, The results were heartwarming, Using these ingredients he has been able to give people who litellary had no chance a chance a chance and hence DREAM UPLIFT UGANDA was formulated. The first recipients were 27 orphans living in atrocious conditions aged between 5-15 years; the kids were haunted and held no hope for their future. The Transformation has been amazing, these kids have lost that haunted look and also that untrusting look that they say to you that you can’t be trusted .These expressions have been instead replaced with Openness, Friendship, love, hope and above all trusting the orphan children. THEIR SMILES CAN SAY IT ALL, THEY ARE CHILDREN A GAIN. He knew money helps and is what had made it all to happen but to him listening to them loving them, helping them and above all giving them was the real key and having it in mind that every child deserves a loving home. He is now hooked and he sees this as his reason for being and because of this he committed himself to take care of the Orphan Children, You can join him in his journey and you support and you take this chance of supporting and helping people who really need help. ALL IT TAKES IS LITTLE MONEY AND PLENTY OF LOVE. HE GUARANTEES YOU WILL ENJOY THE EXPERICE. In 2016 life was moving on well and the children were happy like other children, in 2017 his poultry project was attacked by diseases and all his hens had to die. Because he had that heart of helping and supporting orphan Children he didn’t abandon them. In 2018 he was joined by his friend Stefan from Austria who started supporting him with food and in the same year he got another friend called Kevin from Austria also who also supported him once with food for the children. In 2019 he started the process of registering his home stay as a community based organization, So that he can be considered for support, legal existence and above all to get funding from Non Governmental Organizations. Which was successful and currently Dream Uplift home Stay is a registered home for orphan Children. Join him please with any kind of support Come we give these Children a chance and we make a change in their lives. He Guarantees you will enjoy the experience. ABOUT OUR HOME STAY AND OUR CHILDREN Dream uplift Uganda is a Children’s home Stay that was founded in 2015 by a 19 years old boy and up to now. The home stay is located in Kabarole District, Western Uganda and in the kingdom of Tooro. His name name is AHIMBISIBWE ALEXANDER; he took them in and supported them completely on his own using his own life savings. The progress has been amazing and THE ORPHANS SMILES CAN SAY IT ALL. He started with 27 orphan Children who were living in atrocious conditions and the situation they were passing through could best be felt than being described. That is to say starving, sleeping in village bars and cinema holes among others. He stays with them in a house that his grandmother gave to him and up to now. As of now he stays with 38 orphan children, 23 girls and 15 boys, aged between 6-15 years.